
Пискунов С.О. , Шкриль О.О., Мицюк С.В. , Сизевич Б.І.
Автор(и) (англ)
Piskunov S.О., Shkril’ А., , Mitsuk S., Sizevich B.
Дата публікації:


Анотація (укр):

На основі напіваналітичного методу скінченних елементів проведена розробка і апробація методики обчислення коефіцієнта інтенсивності напружень прямим методом при силовому навантаженні. Розв’язані тестові задачі. Отримані результати підтверджують ефективність методики.

Анотація (рус):

На основе полуаналитического метода конечных элементов проведена разработка и апробация методики вычисления коэффициента интенсивности напряжений прямым методом при силовой нагрузке. Решены тестовые задачи. Полученные результаты подтверждают эффективность методики.

Анотація (англ):

The technique for determining of the stress intensity factors (CIF) by a direct method in discrete models of the semi-analytical finite element method (SFEM) for bodies with transverse and longitudinal cracks is considered in this paper. The calculation of the CIF is performed within some area which is around of the crack-tip. Asymptotic formulas which established the relationship between displacements, stresses and the corresponding CIF values are used for CIF determination. CIF values are calculated using of the nodes displacements in the one part of the area, and in the other part of the area – using the stress values. Obtained values are averaged then. The studies carried out on two-dimensional problems showed the advantage of this approach in comparison with the localized (at individual points) calculation of CIF. In contrast to two-dimensional problems, CIF definition in spatial bodies is carried out at a number of points along the crack front. To calculate CIF value at an arbitrary point of the crack front a section which is perpendicular to the crack surface is considered. The implementation of CIF determining technique in SFEM has some special features. For bodies with longitudinal cracks, such points of the crack front are integration which are located along the finite element. CIF definition within crack-tip area occurs in the body cross section similarly to two-dimensional problems in this case. For bodies with transverse cracks points of CIF determination are nodes of a discrete model located along the crack front. The problem of the tension of square plate with a central crack of different lengths was solved in order to study the effectiveness of the developed technique within the SFEM for prismatic bodies. The problem of CIF determining in a disk with two cracks under internal pressure was solved to prove technique effectiveness for spatial non closed circular bodies. The obtained results showed that the developed technique allows determining CIF values with high efficiency by a direct method both in prismatic and spatial non closed circular bodies using SFEM.


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