About Journal

Collection of scientific articles “Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures”was founded at 1965 year.

It publishes regularly twice a year. Collection has big distribution list including Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine, Lviv National Library of Ukraine named Stefanik and etc.

In 1965 – 1998 years collection of articles was published in Russian and had the title "Сопротивление материалов и теория сооружений" (Soprotyvlenye materyalov y teoryia sooruzhenyi). At 1980 year it had got ISSN 0132-1471. From 1998 year this collection of articles was published in Ukrainian and used old ISSN 0132-1471. Now it is published in Ukrainian and in Ehglish languages, has new title "Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд" ( Opir materialiv i teoriia sporud ). At 2015 year Collection has got new ISSN 2410-2547. The titles and the abstracts in Russian, English and Ukrainian are for each article.

The collection publishes scientific articles containing results of fundamental research on actual problems of:

  • strength of materials,
  • structural mechanics,
  • solid mechanics,
  • theory of structures,
  • adjacent applied problems of strength and reliability in engineering,  construction and other fields of technology.

The questions of structural mechanics teaching are discussed.

The collection is designed for researchers, teachers, students and graduate students, engineers, builders, other experts in the field of mechanics.