Концентрація напружень в околі вертикальних тріщин дорожніх покриттів

Заголовок (російською): 
Концентрация напряжений в окрестности вертикальных трещин дорожных покрытий
Заголовок (англійською): 
Stress concentration in the vicinity of road сoating cracks
Гайдайчук В.В.
Шевчук Л.В.
Білобрицька О.М.
Баран С.А.
Автор(и) (англ): 
Gaidaichuk V.V.
Shevchuk L.V.
Bilobrytska O.І.
Baran S.A.
Ключові слова (укр): 
автомобільна дорога, багатошарове покриття, вертикальні тріщини, транспортне навантаження, поля деформацій, концентрація напружень
Ключові слова (рус): 
Автомобильная дорога, многослойное покрытие, вертикальные трещины, транспортная нагрузка, поля деформаций, концентрация напряжений
Ключові слова (англ): 
automobile road, multilayer road, coating structure, vertical cracks, transport load, deformation fields, stress concentration
Анотація (укр): 
В статті наведені результати комп’ютерного аналізу напружено-деформованого стану багатошарового асфальтобетонного дорожнього покриття під дією транспортних навантажень. На основі скінченно-елементної моделі деформування покриття виконано дослідження особливостей механічної поведінки системи, що розглядаються, при різних конструктивних схемах існування вертикальних тріщин в різних шарах конструкції в умовах дії вертикальних навантажень, що моделюють транспортне навантаження. Виявлені ефекти концентрації напружень в системі, обумовлених високоградієнтними полями деформацій і конструктивними недосконалостями шарового покриття.
Анотація (рус): 
В статье приведены результаты компьютерного анализа напряженно-деформированного состояния многослойного асфальтобетонного дорожного покрытия под действием транспортных нагрузок. На основе конечно-элементной модели деформирования покрытия выполнено исследование особенностей механического поведения системы, рассмотренных при различных конструктивных схемах существования вертикальных трещин в различных слоях конструкции в условиях действия вертикальных транспортных нагрузок. Обнаружены эффекты концентрации напряжений в системе, обусловленые высокоградиентными полями деформаций и конструктивными несовершенствами многослойного покрытия.
Анотація (англ): 
The article presents the results of a computer analysis of the stress-strain state of a multilayer asphalt pavement under the influence of traffic loads. Based on the finite-element model of coating deformation, a study was made of the mechanical behavior of the system considered for various structural schemes for the existence of vertical cracks in various layers of the structure under the action of vertical transport loads. The effects of stress concentration in the system due to high-gradient deformation fields and structural imperfections of the multilayer coating were found. Multi-layer asphalt roads are one of the most common construction projects. Based on a review of the tasks of science about their strength and durability, these structures can be attributed to significantly complex types of building systems. This is primarily due to the multi-parameter nature of the factors that determine their design, material properties, types of loads and the impact on them, as well as their operating conditions. Therefore, designers of road structures and specialists who are involved in the theoretical modeling of the mechanical behavior of layered massifs during operation have to take into account many additional factors that complicate their work. These include the most important design and operational features of these systems, which significantly affect the nature of the distribution of stress and strain fields, as well as their intensity. First of all, they include special structural schemes of the road and pavement. It is a multilayer three-dimensional package having disproportionately different sizes along each direction. Hidden (as well as obvious) vertical cracks and horizontal delamination of the structure, sometimes permissible under operating conditions, can be added to the design model of a structure. Such violations of the continuity of the system also lead to discontinuity of the displacement functions, which further worsens the system’s performance and complicates the task of its modeling. The materials of the coating layers, which include asphalt concrete, cement, crushed stone, sand, soil, and others, also bring particular specificity to the work of the road structure. All of them differently resist tensile, compression and shear, and asphalt concrete is also elastic-viscous - plastic material, whose properties are largely dependent on temperature.
Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури
Назва журналу, номер, рік випуску (укр): 
Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд, 2021, номер 106
Назва журналу, номер, рік випуску (рус): 
Сопротивление материалов и теория сооружений, 2021, номер 106
Назва журналу, номер, рік випуску (англ): 
Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures, 2021, number 106
Мова статті: 
Формат документа: 
Дата публікації: 
28 May 2021
Номер збірника: 
Університет автора: 
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture 31, Povitroflotsky ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037; Національний транспортний університет, вул. М. Омеляновича-Павленка 1, м. Київ. 01010
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1.     Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Gustelev O.O., Shevchuk L.V. Analiz deformuvannia dorozhnoho pokryttia na metalevii plyti pivdennoho mosta (Analysis of road surface deformation on the metal plate of the south bridge) // Promyslove budivnytstvo ta inzhenerni sporudy. – 2019. – No 1. – P. 31 – 39.2.     Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Modeliuvannia napruzheno-deformovanoho stanu konstruktsii dorozhnoho odiahu pid diieiu transportnykh navantazhen (Simulation of stress-strain states of road structures under action of transport loads) //Opir materialiv i teoriia sporud. – 2017. – V. 99 – P.45 – 57.3.     Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Chyselne modeliuvannia termonapruzhenoho stanu sharuvatoho pokryttia avtomobilnoi dorohy (Numerical simulation of the thermal stress state of the layered road surface) //Opir materialiv i teoriia sporud. – 2017. – V. 98 – P.56 – 73.4.     Gulyayev V. I., Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Deiaki zakonomirnosti termopruzhnoho deformuvannia asfaltobetonnoho pokryttia dorohy (Some regularities of thermoelastic deformation of asphalt concrete pavement) // Visnyk Natsionalnoho transportnoho universytetu. – 2018. – V. 37, No 1 – P.80-92.5.     Gulyayev V. I., Gaydaychuk, V.V., Mozgoviy, V.V., Zaets, Yu. A., Shevchuk, L.V. Doslidzhennia termonapruzhenoho stanu konstruktsii dorozhnoho odiahu (Analysis of thermo-stressed state of the road coating structures) // Promyslove budivnytstvo ta inzhenerni sporudy. – 2017. – No 1. – P. 6 – 12.6.     Gulyayev V. I., Shevchuk, L.V., Kutsman O. M. Sezonnyi pererozpodil poliv napruzhen v konstruktsiiakh sharuvatykh pokryttiv dorih pid diieiu transportnykh navantazhen (Seasonal redistribution of stress fields in layered road structures under transport load action) //Visnyk Natsionalnoho transportnoho universytetu - 2018. - V. 40. − P. 98 − 105.7.     Kovalenko A.D. Osnovyi termouprugosti (Fundamentals of thermoelasticity). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1970. − 239 p.8.     Gulyayev V. I., Koshel P. Z., Zaets Yu. A. Mekhanyka hornykh vyrabotok pry deistvii hravytatsyonnykh y dynamycheskikh nahruzok (Mechanics of mine workings under the action of gravitational and dynamic loads). Ivano-Frankovsk: Izd-vo Prykarpat. nats. un-ta im. V. Stefanyka, 2014. – 438 p.9.     Mozgoviy V.V., Gaydaychuk V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Analiz termopruzhnykh protsesiv v asfaltobetonnykh sharakh avtomobilnykh dorih (Analysis of thermoelastic processes in asphalt concrete layers of roads) // Visnyk Odeskoi derzhavnoi akademii budivnytstva i arkhitektury. – 2017. – V. 67. – P. 96-103.10.   Mozgoviy V.V., Gaydaychuk V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V., Gustelev O.O. Mekhanichni efekty i paradoksy yavyshch termopruzhnoho napruzhennia v konstruktsiiakh dorozhnikh odiahiv (Mechanical effects and paradoxes of thermoelastic stress phenomena in pavement structures) // Dorohy i mosty. – 2018. – V. 18 – P.128 – 146.11.   Novatskiy V. Dinamicheskie zadachi termouprugosti (Dynamic problems of thermoelasticity). Moskva: Mir, 1970. − 256 p.12.   Perelmuter А.V. O vliianii izmeneniia zhestokostei na pereraspredelenie usilii v staticheski neopredelimoi sisteme (On the effect of changes in cruelty on the redistribution of efforts in a statically indefinable system) // Stroitelnaia mekhanika i raschet sooruzhenii – 1974. – No 5, P. 64-67.13.   Perelmuter, А.V., Slyvner, V.Y Raschetnye medeli sooruzhenii y vozmozhnost ikh analiza (Estimated construction time and the possibility of their analysis). Moskva: DMK Press, 2007. − 600 p.14.   Gulyayev, V. I., Gaydaychuk, V.V., Mozgoviy, V.V. Termopruzhnyi stan bahatosharovykh dorozhnikh pokryttiv (Thermoelastic state of multilayer pavements). NTU Kyiv, 2018. – 252p.15.   Shevchuk, L.V., Vaschilina, O.V., Lebedieva, I.V., Baran, S.A. Skinchenno-elementnyi monitorynh napruzheno-deformovanoho stanu dorozhnoho pokryttia z rozsharuvanniam (Finite element monitoring of stress-strain state of pavement with stratification) // Visnyk KNU im. T.H. Shevchenka. – 2018. – V. 2. – P. 57 – 63.16.   Gulyayev V. I., Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Some regularities of seasonal transformations of stress fields in structures of layered pavements under action of transport loads. tezy dopovidei Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, m. Kyiv, 25-28 zhovtnia 2017. – K.: Talkom. – P. 59.17.   Krishnan J.M., Rajagopal K.R. Review of the uses and modeling of bitumen from ancient to modern times. American society of mechanical engineers // Appl Mech Rev. – 2003. ‑ 56(2). – P. 149–214.18.   Litton R.L., Tsai F.L., Lee S.I., Luo R., Hu S., Zhou F. «Models for Predicting Reflection Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt Overlays» Research Report 669, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 2010. P.61.19.   Radovskiy B., Teltayev B. Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalts Based on Penetration and Softening Point. Monograph. ‑ Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2017. – 107 p.20.   Yoder E.J. Principles of pavement design. – New York. John Wiley & sons, INC. London. Chapman & Hall, Ltd.  
  1. Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Modeliuvannia napruzheno-deformovanoho stanu konstruktsii dorozhnoho odiahu pid diieiu transportnykh navantazhen (Simulation of stress-strain states of road structures under action of transport loads) //Opir materialiv i teoriia sporud. – 2017. – V. 99 – P.45 – 57.
  2. Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Chyselne modeliuvannia termonapruzhenoho stanu sharuvatoho pokryttia avtomobilnoi dorohy (Numerical simulation of the thermal stress state of the layered road surface) //Opir materialiv i teoriia sporud. – 2017. – V. 98 – P.56 – 73.
  3. Gulyayev V. I., Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Deiaki zakonomirnosti termopruzhnoho deformuvannia asfaltobetonnoho pokryttia dorohy (Some regularities of thermoelastic deformation of asphalt concrete pavement) // Visnyk Natsionalnoho transportnoho universytetu. – 2018. – V. 37, No 1 – P.80-92.
  4. Gulyayev V. I., Gaydaychuk, V.V., Mozgoviy, V.V., Zaets, Yu. A., Shevchuk, L.V. Doslidzhennia termonapruzhenoho stanu konstruktsii dorozhnoho odiahu (Analysis of thermo-stressed state of the road coating structures) // Promyslove budivnytstvo ta inzhenerni sporudy. – 2017. – No 1. – P. 6 – 12.
  5. Gulyayev V. I., Shevchuk, L.V., Kutsman O. M. Sezonnyi pererozpodil poliv napruzhen v konstruktsiiakh sharuvatykh pokryttiv dorih pid diieiu transportnykh navantazhen (Seasonal redistribution of stress fields in layered road structures under transport load action) //Visnyk Natsionalnoho transportnoho universytetu - 2018. - V. 40. − P. 98 − 105.
  6. Kovalenko A.D. Osnovyi termouprugosti (Fundamentals of thermoelasticity). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1970. − 239 p.
  7. Gulyayev V. I., Koshel P. Z., Zaets Yu. A. Mekhanyka hornykh vyrabotok pry deistvii hravytatsyonnykh y dynamycheskikh nahruzok (Mechanics of mine workings under the action of gravitational and dynamic loads). Ivano-Frankovsk: Izd-vo Prykarpat. nats. un-ta im. V. Stefanyka, 2014. – 438 p.
  8. Mozgoviy V.V., Gaydaychuk V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Analiz termopruzhnykh protsesiv v asfaltobetonnykh sharakh avtomobilnykh dorih (Analysis of thermoelastic processes in asphalt concrete layers of roads) // Visnyk Odeskoi derzhavnoi akademii budivnytstva i arkhitektury. – 2017. – V. 67. – P. 96-103.
  9. Mozgoviy V.V., Gaydaychuk V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V., Gustelev O.O. Mekhanichni efekty i paradoksy yavyshch termopruzhnoho napruzhennia v konstruktsiiakh dorozhnikh odiahiv (Mechanical effects and paradoxes of thermoelastic stress phenomena in pavement structures) // Dorohy i mosty. – 2018. – V. 18 – P.128 – 146.
  10. Novatskiy V. Dinamicheskie zadachi termouprugosti (Dynamic problems of thermoelasticity). Moskva: Mir, 1970. − 256 p.
  11. Perelmuter А.V. O vliianii izmeneniia zhestokostei na pereraspredelenie usilii v staticheski neopredelimoi sisteme (On the effect of changes in cruelty on the redistribution of efforts in a statically indefinable system) // Stroitelnaia mekhanika i raschet sooruzhenii – 1974. – No 5, P. 64-67.
  12. Perelmuter, А.V., Slyvner, V.Y Raschetnye medeli sooruzhenii y vozmozhnost ikh analiza (Estimated construction time and the possibility of their analysis). Moskva: DMK Press, 2007. − 600 p.
  13. Gulyayev, V. I., Gaydaychuk, V.V., Mozgoviy, V.V. Termopruzhnyi stan bahatosharovykh dorozhnikh pokryttiv (Thermoelastic state of multilayer pavements). NTU Kyiv, 2018. – 252p.
  14. Shevchuk, L.V., Vaschilina, O.V., Lebedieva, I.V., Baran, S.A. Skinchenno-elementnyi monitorynh napruzheno-deformovanoho stanu dorozhnoho pokryttia z rozsharuvanniam (Finite element monitoring of stress-strain state of pavement with stratification) // Visnyk KNU im. T.H. Shevchenka. – 2018. – V. 2. – P. 57 – 63.
  15. Gulyayev V. I., Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Some regularities of seasonal transformations of stress fields in structures of layered pavements under action of transport loads. tezy dopovidei Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, m. Kyiv, 25-28 zhovtnia 2017. – K.: Talkom. – P. 59.
  16. Krishnan J.M., Rajagopal K.R. Review of the uses and modeling of bitumen from ancient to modern times. American society of mechanical engineers // Appl Mech Rev. – 2003. ‑ 56(2). – P. 149–214.
  17. Litton R.L., Tsai F.L., Lee S.I., Luo R., Hu S., Zhou F. «Models for Predicting Reflection Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt Overlays» Research Report 669, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 2010. P.61.
  18. Radovskiy B., Teltayev B. Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalts Based on Penetration and Softening Point. Monograph. ‑ Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2017. – 107 p.
  19. Yoder E.J. Principles of pavement design. – New York. John Wiley & sons, INC. London. Chapman & Hall, Ltd.