Tran Duc Chinh
Автор(и) (англ)
Tran Duc Chinh1
Дата публікації:
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Анотація (англ):
Based on the integral representation of the displacements functions through Green's functions, the author proposed a method to solve the system of differential equations of the given problem. The equations were solved approximately by reducing to algebraic equations by finite difference techniques in Samarsky scheme. Some examples are given for calculation of eigenvalues of shallow shell vibration problem, which are compared with results received by Onyashvili using Galerkin method.
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- Onyashvili, V.D. The Vlasov’s theory applied to shallow shell vibration problem. M, Gosstroizdat, 1950 (in Russian).
- Tran Duc Chinh, The generalized system method applied to shallow anisotropic shell bending problem (in Vietnamese) “Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Mechanics” – Hanoi, 1993.
- Mileykovsky, I.E. The practical methods applied to shallow shell bending problems. M, Stroiizat, 1970 (in Russian).
- Vlasov, V.Z. The general theory of shells and its applications to technology. M, Gostekhizdat, 1949 (in Russian).
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