
О.П. Кривенко, А.Д. Легостаєв, Н.А. Гречух
Автор(и) (англ)
Krivenko O.P., Legostaev A.D., Hrechuh N.A.
Дата публікації:


Анотація (укр):

Запропоновано алгоритм дослідження динамічних характеристик неоднорідних оболонок з використанням редукованої скінченно-елементної моделі, що побудована за методом базисних вузлів. Ефективність розробленого методу продемонстровано на прикладі визначення власних коливань циліндричної консольної панелі.

Анотація (рус):

Предложен алгоритм исследования динамических характеристик неоднородных оболочек с использованием редуцированной конечно-элементной модели, построенной методом базисных узлов. Эффективность разработанного метода продемонстрирована на примере определения собственных колебаний цилиндрической консольной панели.

Анотація (англ):

The method of creating the reduced governing equations for the existing finite element method of calculation of thin elastic shells with different geometric characteristics according to the thickness is considered. The method of investigating inhomogeneous shells is based on the uniform methodological positions of the 3-d geometrically nonlinear theory of thermoelasticity and the finite-element method in the form of the moment finite-element scheme. Thus, thin multilayer shells of variable thickness and complex geometry are considered as three-dimensional bodies that can be reinforced with ribs and cover plates, weakened by cavities, channels, and holes, and have sharp bends in the mid-surface. Two hypotheses are used to describe the stress–strain state of a thin inhomogeneous shell. The nonclassical kinematic hypothesis of deformed straight line: though stretched or shortened during deformation, a straight segment along the thickness remains straight. This segment is not necessarily normal to the mid-surface of the shell. The displacements are assumed distributed linearly along the thickness, which is conventional in the theory of thin shells. The static hypothesis compressive assumes that the stresses in the fibers are constant throughout the thickness of the shell. The effectiveness of the developed method is demonstrated by determining the oscillation of a cylindrical cantilever panel. It is investigated the convergence of solutions and compared them with the results obtained experimentally and by other authors. It is shown that the application of the method of basic nodes to the problems of the dynamics of shell structures is an effective tool that allows, in the framework of a single algorithm, to significantly expand the capabilities of the displacement method when constructing solutions of the problem by the finite element method.


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