Поставлена задача про визначення напружено-деформованого стану шаруватого напівпростору під дією транспортних навантажень. Побудована скінченно-елементна модель пружної деформації масиву, виконаний комп'ютерний аналіз системи. Показано, що найнебезпечніші для покриття напруження розтягу локалізуються у нижній зоні шарів із монолітних матеріалів.
Поставлена задача об определении напряжено-деформированного состояния слоистого дорожного массива под действием транспортных нагрузок. Построена конечно-элементная модель упругого равновесия массива, выполнен компьютерный анализ системы. Показано, что наиболее опасные для покрытия напряжения растяжения локализуются в нижних зонах второго слоя, в то время как максимальные значения напряжений сдвига имеют место в первом слое в окрестности приложения вертикальных сил. Обсуждаются вопросы трещинообразования и разрушения слоев.
Currently, the intensity of the vehicular traffic enlarged essentially and the share of heavy-duty transport facilities with increased numbers of axles and boosted pressure in pneumatics rose noticeably. Therefore, the questions of investigation of the parameter and character of loads produced by modern transport facilities, acting on the pavement coating, assume great significance. In this connection, the necessity to elaborate, leaning upon the designing rules and results of full-size inspections, the classification of computational schemes of the road pavement structures functioning arose. For this reason, the mathematic models and computational methods, taking into account the modern characteristics of transport loads and thermo-mechanical properties of the road materials, should be elaborated with the aim to bring about the practical measures for upgrading of the pavement coating strength. The problem on analysis of stress-strain states of a layered road massif under action of transport loads is formulated. The finite element model of the elastic massif equilibrium is constructed, the computer analysis of the system is performed. It is demonstrated that the most dangerous tensile stresses are localized in the lower zones of the second layer, while the maximal values of the shear stresses take place in the first layer in the vicinity of the external load application. The question of crack generation and layer destruction are discussed.
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1. Litton R.L., Tsai F.L., Lee S.I., Luo R., Hu S., Zhou F. «Models for Predicting Reflection Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt Overlays» Research Report 669, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 2010. P.61.2. Radovsky B., Mozgovoj V. Ways to reduce low-temperature cracking of asphalt pavements // 4-th Eurobitum Symposium. Summaries and papers. Madrid, 4-9 Oct. 1989. Vol. 1. – P. 571-575.3. Mozgoviy V.V. Povyishenie gidroizolyatsionnoy sposobnosti asfaltobetonnogo pokryitiyaTekst dlya perekladu (Waterproofing ability increase of asphalt-concrete pavement) // Problems of mechanics and construction of transport structures: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Almaty. 2015. – P. 54-60.4. Strahys V.Y., Rokas S.Iu. Zavisimost parametrov sdviga asfaltobetona ot temperaturyi (Dependence of asphalt-concrete displacement parameters on temperature) // Sanitary engineering. Roads. Hydrotechnical construction. The engineering geodesy. Bases and foundations. Materials of the Republican XIX scientific and technical conference. Kaunas – 1969. – P. 51-54.5. Gulyayev, V. I., Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Doslidzhennia termonapruzhenoho stanu konstruktsii dorozhnoho odiahu (Analysis of thermo-stressed state of the road coating structures) // Industrial building and engineering structures. – 2017. – №1. – P. 6-12.6. Gaydaychuk V.V., Mozgoviy V.V., Zaets Yu. A., Shevchuk L.V. Chyselne modeliuvannia termonapruzhenoho stanu sharuvatoho pokryttia avtomobilnoi dorohy (Numerical simulation of thermo-stressed states of layered coating of automobile road) // Strength of Materials and Theory of structures. – 2017. – Vol. 98 – P. 56-71.