
Баженов В.А., Лукьянченко О.А., Костина Е.В.
Автор(и) (англ)
Bazhenov V.А., Lukianchenko O.O., Kostina О.V.
Дата публікації:


Анотація (укр):

Досліджена стійкість нафтоналивного резервуара з реальними недосконалостями стінки при сумісній дії осьового стиснення і поверхневого тиску. Побудована допустима область безвідмовної роботи резервуара зі змодельованими недосконалостями форми у вигляді сполучень форм втрати стійкості; графічно визначена область відмови за стійкістю резервуара з реальними недосконалостями стінки.

Анотація (рус):

Исследована устойчивость нефтяного резервуара с реальными несовершенствами стенки при совместном действии осевого сжатия и поверхностного давления. Построена допустимая область безотказной работы резервуара со смоделированными несовершенствами формы в виде комбинаций форм потери устойчивости; графически определена область отказа по устойчивости резервуара с реальными несовершенствами стенки.

Анотація (англ):

The presence of defects in real oil tanks plays an essential role in their accident-free operation. The majority of theoretical and experimental studies are devoted to the investigation of the effect of defects in the form of initial imperfections of the shape of thin shells on the carrying capacity and stability. Initial imperfections are the main factor that reduces the critical load. The first of the studies of the sensitivity of the critical load to the initial geometric imperfections of the form was performed by L. Donnell. A special role in the development of the theory of stability of imperfect shells was played by the asymptotic method of V.T. Coiter, which is used in J. Hutchinson. I.Arbosh, Ch.Bebkok, J.C.Amazigo and others research. Most of these papers were carried out on the assumption of linear critical behavior of the solution. In the future, for a detailed account of the imperfect geometry of nonlinearly deformed shells under an arbitrary load action, the researchers began to apply the synthesis of the reduction method and the Coiter method. At present, there are modern computational complexes that allow us to introduce initial imperfections directly as geometric parameters of the middle surface of the shells. The solution of the nonlinear problem in such formulation can more fully reflect the influence of the initial imperfections on the decrease of the critical load. However, the problem of determining the permissible failure-free operation region of tanks with real imperfections of the shape under the action of combined loading remains important. The stability of an oil reservoir with real imperfections of a wall under the joint action of axial compression and surface pressure is studied using a program complex of finite element analysis. To determine the permissible range of fail-safe operation of the reservoir, irregular imperfections of the middle wall surface are simulated as ratios of the buckling forms with different maximum amplitudes obtained in solving the problem of loss of stability by the Lanczos method. The stability of the shell with real and simulated imperfections of the wall is investigated using the nonlinear static problem by the Newton-Raphson method. Critical ratios of axial compression and surface pressure are determined to ensure overall stability of the reservoir wall. The region of failure on the stability of the oil reservoir with real imperfections is obtained.


1.     Augusti G., Baratta A., Kashiati F. Veroyatnostnyie metodyi v stroitelnom proektirovanii (Probabilistic methods in construction design) / Per. s angl. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1988.-584 s.2.     Arbosh I. Vliyanie nachalnyih progibov na ustoychivost obolochek (Influence of initial deflections on the stability of shells) // Tonkostennyie obolochechnyie konstruktsii. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1980. – S.222-259.3.     Bolotin V.V. Metodyi teorii veroyatnostey i teorii nadezhnosti v raschetah sooruzheniy (Methods of probability theory and reliability theory in calculations of structures). –M.: Stroyizdat, 1982.-351 s.4.     Volmir A.S. Ustoychivost deformiruemyih sistem (Stability of deformable systems). – M.: Nauka, 1967. – 984 s.5.     Timoshenko S.P. Ustoychivost sterzhney, plastin i obolochek (Stability of rods, plates and shells) – M.: Nauka, 1971. – 807 s.6.     Donnell L.G., Van K. Vliyanie nepravilnostey v forme na ustoychivost sterzhney i tonkostennyih tsilindrov pri osevom szhatii (Influence of irregularities in the form on the stability of rods and thin-walled cylinders under axial compression) // Mehanika. Sb. perev. i obz. inostr. period. lit-ryi. – 1951. – №408, S.91 – 107.7.     Koyter V.T. Ustoychivost i zakriticheskoe povedenie uprugih sistem (Stability and supercritical behavior of elastic systems) // Mehanika: Sb. perev. inostr. statey. – 1960. – №5, S.99 – 110.8.     Gavrilenko G.D. Chislennyiy i analiticheskiy podhodyi k issledovaniyu nesuschey sposobnosti nesovershennyih obolochek (Numerical and analytical approaches to the study of the bearing capacity of imperfect shells) // Prik. mehanika. – 2003. – 39, №9. – S.44-62.9.     Gotsulyak E.A., Lukyanchenko O.A., Shah V.V. Ob ustoychivosti tsilindricheskih obolochek peremennoy tolschinyi s nachalnyimi nesovershenstvami (On the stability of cylindrical shells of variable thickness with initial imperfections) // Prikladnaya mehanika: Mezhdunar. nauchn. zhurnal. – 2009. – T.45. - №4. – S.103-108.10.  Bazhenov V.A., Kryvenko O.P., Solovei M.O. Neliniine deformuvannia ta stiikist pruzhnykh obolonok neodnoridnoi struktury (Nonlinear deformation and stability of elastic shells of non-uniform structure) – K.: ZAT „Vipol”, 2010. – 316 s.11.  Gotsulyak Ye.O., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Haran I.H. Stiikist tsylindrychnoi obolonky-opory z nedoskonalostiamy formy pry kombinovanomu navantazhenni (Stability of cylindrical shell-support with imperfections of the form at a combined loading) // Problemy mitsnosti. – 2012. – №5. – S.127-134.12.  Bazhenov V.A., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Imovirnisnyi pidkhid do vyznachennia nadiinosti nedoskonaloi obolonky-opory (Probabilistic approach to determining the reliability of the imperfect shell-support) //Problemy mitsnosti. – 2014. – №4. – S.152-161.13.  Bazhenov V.A., LukyanchenkoO.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Probabilistic Approach to Determination of Reliability of an Imperfect Supporting Shell//Strength of Materials: Volume 46, Issue 4 (2014), Page 567-574.14.  Bazhenov V.A., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Doslidzhennia neliniinoi stiikosti tonkostinnykh obolonok z pochatkovymy nedoskonalostiamy formy Investigation of nonlinear stability of thin-walled shells with initial imperfections of form // Zb. Opir materialiv ta teoriia  sporud.  K.: KNUBA, 2015.  Vyp.96. . – S.99 -115.15.   Bazhenov V.A., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Neliniina stiikist dovhoi hnuchkoi tsylindrychnoi obolonky z nedoskonalostiamy formy (Nonlinear stability of a long flexible cylindrical shell with imperfections in shape) //Problemy mitsnosti. – 2016. – №2. – S.140-147.16.  Bazhenov V.A., LukyanchenkoO.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Nonlinear Bending Stability of a Long Flexible Cylindrical Shell with Geometrical Imperfections //Strength of Materials: Volume 48, Issue 2 (2016), Page 1-7.17.  Shimkovich D.G. Raschet konstruktsiy v MSC/NASTRAN for Windows (Calculation of structures in MSC / NASTRAN for Windows). - M.: DMK Press, 2001.– 448 s.


1.     Augusti G., Baratta A., Kashiati F. Veroyatnostnyie metodyi v stroitelnom proektirovanii (Probabilistic methods in construction design) / Per. s angl. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1988.-584 s.2.     Arbosh I. Vliyanie nachalnyih progibov na ustoychivost obolochek (Influence of initial deflections on the stability of shells) // Tonkostennyie obolochechnyie konstruktsii. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1980. – S.222-259.3.     Bolotin V.V. Metodyi teorii veroyatnostey i teorii nadezhnosti v raschetah sooruzheniy (Methods of probability theory and reliability theory in calculations of structures). –M.: Stroyizdat, 1982.-351 s.4.     Volmir A.S. Ustoychivost deformiruemyih sistem (Stability of deformable systems). – M.: Nauka, 1967. – 984 s.5.     Timoshenko S.P. Ustoychivost sterzhney, plastin i obolochek (Stability of rods, plates and shells) – M.: Nauka, 1971. – 807 s.6.     Donnell L.G., Van K. Vliyanie nepravilnostey v forme na ustoychivost sterzhney i tonkostennyih tsilindrov pri osevom szhatii (Influence of irregularities in the form on the stability of rods and thin-walled cylinders under axial compression) // Mehanika. Sb. perev. i obz. inostr. period. lit-ryi. – 1951. – №408, S.91 – 107.7.     Koyter V.T. Ustoychivost i zakriticheskoe povedenie uprugih sistem (Stability and supercritical behavior of elastic systems) // Mehanika: Sb. perev. inostr. statey. – 1960. – №5, S.99 – 110.8.     Gavrilenko G.D. Chislennyiy i analiticheskiy podhodyi k issledovaniyu nesuschey sposobnosti nesovershennyih obolochek (Numerical and analytical approaches to the study of the bearing capacity of imperfect shells) // Prik. mehanika. – 2003. – 39, №9. – S.44-62.9.     Gotsulyak E.A., Lukyanchenko O.A., Shah V.V. Ob ustoychivosti tsilindricheskih obolochek peremennoy tolschinyi s nachalnyimi nesovershenstvami (On the stability of cylindrical shells of variable thickness with initial imperfections) // Prikladnaya mehanika: Mezhdunar. nauchn. zhurnal. – 2009. – T.45. - №4. – S.103-108.10.  Bazhenov V.A., Kryvenko O.P., Solovei M.O. Neliniine deformuvannia ta stiikist pruzhnykh obolonok neodnoridnoi struktury (Nonlinear deformation and stability of elastic shells of non-uniform structure) – K.: ZAT „Vipol”, 2010. – 316 s.11.  Gotsulyak Ye.O., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Haran I.H. Stiikist tsylindrychnoi obolonky-opory z nedoskonalostiamy formy pry kombinovanomu navantazhenni (Stability of cylindrical shell-support with imperfections of the form at a combined loading) // Problemy mitsnosti. – 2012. – №5. – S.127-134.12.  Bazhenov V.A., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Imovirnisnyi pidkhid do vyznachennia nadiinosti nedoskonaloi obolonky-opory (Probabilistic approach to determining the reliability of the imperfect shell-support) //Problemy mitsnosti. – 2014. – №4. – S.152-161.13.  Bazhenov V.A., LukyanchenkoO.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Probabilistic Approach to Determination of Reliability of an Imperfect Supporting Shell//Strength of Materials: Volume 46, Issue 4 (2014), Page 567-574.14.  Bazhenov V.A., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Doslidzhennia neliniinoi stiikosti tonkostinnykh obolonok z pochatkovymy nedoskonalostiamy formy Investigation of nonlinear stability of thin-walled shells with initial imperfections of form // Zb. Opir materialiv ta teoriia  sporud.  K.: KNUBA, 2015.  Vyp.96. . – S.99 -115.15.   Bazhenov V.A., Lukyanchenko O.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Neliniina stiikist dovhoi hnuchkoi tsylindrychnoi obolonky z nedoskonalostiamy formy (Nonlinear stability of a long flexible cylindrical shell with imperfections in shape) //Problemy mitsnosti. – 2016. – №2. – S.140-147.16.  Bazhenov V.A., LukyanchenkoO.O., Kostina O.V., Gerashchenko O.V. Nonlinear Bending Stability of a Long Flexible Cylindrical Shell with Geometrical Imperfections //Strength of Materials: Volume 48, Issue 2 (2016), Page 1-7.17.  Shimkovich D.G. Raschet konstruktsiy v MSC/NASTRAN for Windows (Calculation of structures in MSC / NASTRAN for Windows). - M.: DMK Press, 2001.– 448 s.