
Савін О.Б., Соболь В.М.
Автор(и) (англ)
Savin O.B., Sobol' V.N.
Дата публікації:


Анотація (укр):

В статті розглядається варіаційна постановка задач повзучості та пошкоджуваності стержнів за умови їх згину. Метод розв’язання задачі засновано на сполученні покрокового інтегрування рівнянь стану повзучості і розв’язанням на кожному кроці часу варіаційної рівності. Надані числові результати досліджень на базі запропонованого методу розв’язку задачі повзучості та пошкоджуваності стержнів з різними видами закріплення їх країв. Зроблені висновки за отриманими результатами.

Анотація (рус):

В статье рассматривается вариационная постановка задачи ползучести и повреждаемости стержней при их изгибе. Метод решения задачи основан на сочетании пошагового интегрирования уравнений состояния ползучести и решением на каждом шаге вариационного равенства. Представлены численные результаты исследований на базе предложенного метода решения задач ползучести и повреждаемости стержней с разными видами закрепления их краев. Сделаны выводы по полученным результатам расчетов.

Анотація (англ):

It is necessary to take into account the creep phenomena in long-term strength analysis of structural elements with exploitation at elevated temperatures. This process leads to evaluation of creep irreversible strains and damage parameter and finally to predict the fracture. The most of structural members in aviation and space-rocket techniques have such exploitation conditions. For isotropic materials in the creep process can be used the Rabotnov-Kachanov theory with a scalar damage or continuity parameters. Defects in material accumulate at elevated temperature due to the creep process. This fact is proved by experimental data in metallurgical science. In the paper the mathematical statement of creep-damage problems for thin-walled beams in bending is presented. The mathematical statement include the mixed variation principle, which is formulated on independently varied functions of displacements and stresses for known creep strains at arbitrary moment of time, and the two numerical methods. The complete system of initial-boundary-value problem of creep for thin-walled beams can be solved by using numerical methods. The first one is based on the variational statement by using variational-structural method of the R – functions theory (RFM - Rvachov’s Functions method). The second one is based on the Runge–Kutta–Merson method. The Runge–Kutta–Merson numerical method is used for solving of creep state equations for isotropic material. Practically important numerical estimations of strength and durability of constructive machine elements, such as beams, are given. Firstly, the test examples are presented. At initial time the numerical results were compared with known analytical results. Numerical data demonstrate the full convergence and coincidence of approximate solutions. Also numerical results of creep-damage problems for bending beams with different types of edges fixations are given. First numerical results are presented for fixed support beams under constant loading along the beam length. The second one – for hinged supported beam and the last one – for beam with left fixed support. It can be concluded that there are significant stresses redistribution and growth of displacements in time for all types of edges fixation of mentioned above beams.


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1.        Altenbach H., Morachkovsky O., Naumenko K., Sychov A. Geometrically nonlinear bending of thin - walled shells and plates under creep - damage conditions. Arch. Appl. Mech., 67, (1997), р. 339 - 352.2.        Demidov V.I. Teoriya uprugosti (Elasticity theory). M.: Vysshaya shkola. 1978 g.. 387 p.-rus.3.        Morachkovskiy O.K., Sobol V.N. Resheniya zadach polzuchesti tonkostennykh sterzhney i obolochek na baze smeshannogo variatsionnogo printsipa (Creep problems solutions of thin-walled beams and shells on the base of a mixed variational principle) // Visnyk Natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu «Kharkivs'kyy politekhnichnyy instytut». – Kharkiv: NTU «KhPI», 2002.– № 10, V.2 – p. 82-86.-rus.4.        Malinin N.N. Raschety na polzuchest elementov mashinostroitelnykh konstruktsiy (Creep solutions of machine building elements). - M.: Mashinostroyeniye. 1981. – 221p.-rus.5.        Morachkovskiy O.K., Sobol V.N. Metod resheniya zadach polzuchesti tel na osnove smeshannogo variatsionnogo printsipa (Solution method of creep problems on the base of a mixed variational principle) // Visnyk Natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu «Kharkivs'kyy politekhnichnyy instytut». – Kharkiv: NTU «KhPI», 2003. – № 12, V.1 – P. 84-89.-rus.6.        Naumenko K. On the use of the first order shear deformation models of beams, plates and shells in creep lifetime estimations. Tech. Mech., 20, (2000), 215-226.7.        Reissner E. On a certain mixed variational theorem and on laminated elastic shell theory. Reprinted from Refined Dynamical Theories of Beams, Plates and Shells, Springer Verlag, 1987, pp. 17 – 27.8.        Romashov Yu.V., Sobol V.N. Mathematical formulations and numerical solutions of initial-boundary-value problem of creep theory // Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and computing sciences / N.N. Kizilova, G.N. Zholtkevych (eds.). – Kharkov: Publishing house PPB Virovec' A.P. Publishing house is a group "Apostrophe", 2011. – 396 p. – P. 120-129.9.        Sobol V.N. Chislennyye resheniya zadach polzuchesti sterzhney na baze smeshannogo variatsionnogo funktsionala (Numerical solutions of creep problems for beams by using mixed variational functional) // Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Sworld. – Vypusk 4(41). Tom 3. – Ivanovo: Nauchnyy mir. 2015. – P. 4-7.-rus.10.   Savin O.B., Sobol' V.N. Povzuchist' ta poshkodzhuvanist' sterzhniv i tsylindriv na bazi zmishanoho variatsiynoho funktsionala (Creep and damage of beams and tubes by using mixed variational functional) // Naukovyy visnyk budivnytstva. – Kharkiv: KhNUBA – 2016.– №4 (86).– P. 130-134.-ukr.