Представлено постановку й реалізацію завдання щодо раціоналізації конструктивних параметрів залізобетонних конструктивно-анізотропних оболонок. За критерій для даної задачі обрано енергетичний принцип, згідно з яким із усього ряду можливих значень шуканих параметрів системи з постійним об’ємом матеріалу, числом зовнішніх і внутрішніх зв’язків потенційна енергія деформації (ПЕД) після перебудови досягне нижньої межі на раціональному поєднанні величин геометричних параметрів.
Представлены постановка и реализация задачи по рационализации конструктивных параметров железобетонных конструктивно-анизотропных оболочек. Критерием для данной задачи избран энергетический принцип, согласно которому со всего ряда возможных значений искомых параметров системы с постоянным объемом материала, числом внешних и внутренних связей потенциальная энергия деформации (ПЭД) после перестройки достигнет нижней границы на рациональном сочетании величин геометрических параметров.
The formulation and realization of the task of rationalization of the structural parameters of the proposed reinforced concrete shells is presented. As a criterion for this task, an energy principle is adopted, according to which it is assumed that from the whole set of possible values of the desired parameters of the system with a constant volume of material, the number of external and internal connections, the potential energy of deformation after the reorganization will reach the lower limit on the rational combination of the valuesof the geometric parameters describing the system. The proposed procedure allows, in the automatic mode, to construct the relationship between the DED system and any geometric parameter that describes it. For illustration, examples of searching for external and internal rational shell parameters are considered. In the analysis of external parameters as an alternating one, the lifting arm (H [0; L/2]), other parameters describing the geometry of the system, are taken: B = 9000 mm; L = 18000 mm; h = 300 mm, Δ = 100 mm; l = 1000 mm. As the load is taken its own weight, the bolt is designed to be hingedly fixed for two longitudinal ribs, the material is concrete C25 / 30. Implementation of the approach, in this case, involves the construction of the relationship between the magnitude of the deformation energy of the system and one or group of geometric parameters. The energy principle is taken as a criterion for this task, according to which it is believed that out of numerous possible values of the searched parameters of the system with the constant amount of material, number of external and internal connections, the strain potential energy (SPE) after the reconstruction will reach the lower limit on the rational connection of the geometrical parameters describing the system. In this case, the approach realization presupposes the construction of interconnection between the system energy deformation value and one or group of the geometrical parameters. The suggested procedure allows automatic establishment of the connection between the system SPE and any geometrical parameters which describes it. The obtained results of the external parameters are verified through the analysis of the frequencies of the systems natural vibration frequencies for all values of rise Н and maximum shell bearing capacity (qmax). It was determined that for the conditions at the camber of arch Н ≈ 3,8 m SPE reaches the lower limit.
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